Saturday, March 12, 2011

New Favorite: Eye Cream

Well, even though Oprah claims that 50 is the new 30, I am here to assure you that 42 is most incontrovertibly not the new 22. And seeing as 42 comes with it's challenges, I have been searching high and low for a really good, creamy, non-irritating eye cream. For years. To no avail.
Until now! And it was at CVS! And Wal Mart! It retails for about $17.00. It has something in it that absolutely makes your skin glow. And it doesn't get me all red and blotchy, like 99% of the eye creams out there. It has Royal Jelly in it, which actually sounds kinda gross to me. But it's not gross, it's a good thing. I think it's a by-product of the honey making process. Thanks bees!
Next on my (long) list of things-to-get: Burt's Bees Radiance Day Creme and Night Creme.

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